2025/01/17 24h 顶级 crypto funds 推文梳理
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Paradigm (@paradigm) |
RT @phantom: We're thrilled to share we've raised a $150M Series C at a $3B valuation, co-led by @sequoia and @paradigm. This milestone a… |
RT @phantom:我们很高兴分享我们以$ 3B的估值筹集了1.5亿美元的C系列,由@Sequia和@paradigm共同领导。 这个里程碑A… |
2025-01-17 06:55:24 |
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Dragonfly >|< (@dragonfly_xyz) |
RT @dawninternet: We're thrilled to announce we've teamed up with @helium to expand decentralized Internet. By combining Helium Mobile’s Ho… |
RT @DawnInternet:我们很高兴宣布我们已经与@helium合作扩大了分散的互联网。通过结合氦气手机的ho… |
2025-01-17 04:39:37 |
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Austin Barack (@AustinBarack) |
RT @GTE_XYZ: The people’s chain deserves the people’s exchange. Today, we’re proud to announce GTE’s seed fundraising, backed by top tier… |
RT @GTE_XYZ:人们的连锁店应得到人们的交流。 今天,我们很自豪地宣布GTE的种子筹款活动,并在顶级级别的支持下…… |
2025-01-17 00:18:57 |
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Hack VC (@hack_vc) |
RT @MorphoLabs: Crypto-backed loans on @coinbase powered by Morpho. Now, millions of users can borrow against their BTC on Coinbase. https… |
RT @morpholabs:由Morpho提供支持的@CoinBase上的加密货币贷款。 现在,数百万用户可以在Coinbase上借用其BTC。https… |
2025-01-17 06:35:35 |
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Framework Ventures (@hiFramework) |
RT @Hyve_Labs: 1/ 🚨 We’re excited to announce that Hyve Labs has raised $2.75M in pre-seed funding from leading investors: @hiframework, @… |
RT @hyve_labs:1/🚨我们很高兴地宣布,Hyve Labs已从领先的投资者那里筹集了275万美元的预付款资金:@hiframework, @… |
2025-01-17 04:18:45 |
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Tom Schmidt >|< (@tomhschmidt) |
RT @LewellenMichael: Today, I’m taking a stand against the Biden administration’s unjust crackdown on crypto development. I’ve filed a laws… |
RT @lewellenmichael:今天,我立即反对拜登政府对加密货币开发的不公正镇压。我已经提出了法律... |
2025-01-17 00:40:16 |
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Framework Ventures (@hiFramework) |
RT @buffalu__: From $3.5M to $674M in yearly REV: Inside @jito_labs and our vision for 2025 (link in next tweet) |
RT @buffalu__:从350万美元到6.74亿美元的年度转文:@jito_labs和我们对2025年的愿景 (下一条推文中的链接) |
2025-01-17 04:18:36 |
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Tushar Jain (@TusharJain_) |
Today @kankanivishal and I released a Solana Improvement Proposal to reduce Solana inflation. As Solana matures, stakers increasingly earn SOL through mechanisms like MEV. This income stream reduces the network's historical exclusive reliance on token emissions to attract stake… https://t.co/4aMs7O2Vwf |
今天,@kankanivishal和我发布了一项Solana改进建议,以减少Solana通货膨胀。 随着索拉纳(Solana)的成熟,Stakers越来越多地通过MEV等机制来赚取SOL。此收入流减少了该网络对令牌排放的历史独家依赖,以吸引股份……https://t.co/4ams7O2VWF |
2025-01-17 01:23:06 |
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a16z crypto (@a16zcrypto) |
RT @cdixon: I’m excited to announce that we’re co-leading the $10M seed round in @merit_systems, which is building a new economic model for… |
RT @cdixon:我很高兴地宣布,我们正在@Merit_Systems共同领导1000万美元的种子回合,该系统正在为…建立新的经济模式 |
2025-01-17 01:11:54 |
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Kyle Samani (@KyleSamani) |
RT @buffalu__: I'm extremely excited to announce Rebecca Rettig (@RebeccaRettig1) will be joining as Jito Labs Chief Legal Officer starting… |
RT @buffalu__:我非常高兴地宣布Rebecca Rettig( @rebeccarettig1)将加入Jito Labs首席法律官开始…… |
2025-01-17 04:04:39 |
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a16z crypto (@a16zcrypto) |
RT @samrags_: Today I'm excited to announce that Merit Systems has raised $10M of seed funding from @a16zcrypto and @blockchaincap to unlea… |
RT @Samrags_:今天,我很高兴地宣布,优异系统已从 @a16zcrypto和@BlockChainCap筹集了1000万美元的种子资金到unlea… |
2025-01-17 01:23:08 |
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Austin Barack (@AustinBarack) |
RT @kevinsekniqi: daily txs steadily increasing https://t.co/oEtbTbIXS1 |
RT @kevinsekniqi:每日TXS稳步增加https://t.co/oetbtbixs1 |
2025-01-17 04:23:27 |
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Austin Barack (@AustinBarack) |
RT @enzo_gte: i have a dream that one day all of finance will move onchain. that people around the world will be able to trade with each o… |
RT @enzo_gte:我有一个梦想,有一天,所有财务都会移动Onchain。 世界各地的人们将能够与每个O交易… |
2025-01-17 00:19:44 |
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Sequoia Capital (@sequoia) |
RT @drewhouston: Thanks @roelofbotha and @Sequoia for having me and for believing in @Dropbox from the beginning! Really fun to share the i… |
RT @drewhouston:感谢@roelofbotha和@Sequia拥有我并从一开始就相信@DropBox!分享我真的很有趣… |
2025-01-17 04:07:32 |
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Austin Barack (@AustinBarack) |
RT @NickDGarcia: The richest source of agent-related data belongs to @cookiedotfun. Yesterday, @0xzerebro announced they are integrating… |
RT @nickdgarcia:与代理相关数据的最丰富来源属于@CookiedotFun。 昨天, @0xzerebro宣布他们正在整合… |
2025-01-17 03:06:49 |
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Tom Schmidt >|< (@tomhschmidt) |
RT @InfPools: We’re proud to finally launch InfinityPools mainnet on Base. InfinityPools is the first exchange ever to have unlimited lev… |
RT @Infpools:我们很荣幸最终在基地上推出Infinitypools Mainnet。 Infinitypools是有史以来第一个拥有无限LEV的交易所… |
2025-01-17 06:55:21 |
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Ari Paul ⛓️ (@AriDavidPaul) |
RT @AriDavidPaul: “…every man I meet is my superior in some way, and in that I learn from him.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson. |
RT @aridavidpaul:“……我遇到的每个男人都以某种方式都是我的上级,而我向他学习。”- 拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生。 |
2025-01-17 03:29:46 |
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Pantera Capital (@PanteraCapital) |
RT @Meter_IO: “The interstellar era begins! 🚀 Announcing #SupernovaCore is now open source and ready for testing. The standard Cosmos Sim… |
RT @meter_io:“星际时代开始!🚀 宣布#supernovacore现在是开源的,可以进行测试。标准宇宙模拟… |
2025-01-17 04:28:16 |
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Kyle Samani (@KyleSamani) |
Step 1) reduce SOL inflation Step 2) long term staking |
步骤1)减少SOL通货膨胀 步骤2)长期占有 |
2025-01-17 01:55:50 |
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Austin Barack (@AustinBarack) |
RT @DV_Memetics: $GRIFT Outperformance in DeFAI: Re-Pricing To Reflect Leadership Position Overtime Notable event | $GRIFT ( $125 M FDV) |… |
RT @DV_Memetics:$ grift Elefting in Defai:重新定价以反映领导地位的加班 值得注意的事件|$ grift($ 125 m FDV)|… |
2025-01-17 10:25:59 |
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Travis Kling (@Travis_Kling) |
Me putting Litecoin back on my watchlist https://t.co/0rshJhjiHc |
我将litecoin重新放回我的监视列表https://t.co/0rshjhjihc |
2025-01-17 09:43:03 |
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Austin Barack (@AustinBarack) |
RT @ether_fi_Fdn: The https://t.co/Kw59eHDuwE protocol generated $3.6M in revenue this December. Following a successful DAO vote, a portion… |
RT @ether_fi_fdn:https://t.co/kw59ehduwe协议今年12月的收入为360万美元。成功投票后,一部分… |
2025-01-17 03:41:29 |
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carra.eth (@carrawu) |
RT @0xMasonH: Excited to announce that we at @merit_systems have raised $10m from our friends at a16z crypto and Blockchain Capital to acce… |
RT @0xmasonh:兴奋地宣布,我们在@Merit_Systems的A16Z Crypto和Blockchain Capital的朋友向ACCE筹集了1000万美元的资金… |
2025-01-17 01:47:56 |
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Ryan Zurrer (@kukulabanze) |
RT @stable_summit: Gold annual sponsor @Dialectic_Group executes automated yielding and the best risk-adjusted USD, $ETH and $BTC compoundi… |
RT @stable_summit:黄金年度赞助商@Dialectic_group执行自动产量,最佳风险调整后的USD,$ ETH和$ BTC COMPOUNDI… |
2025-01-17 05:59:20 |
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a16z (@a16z) |
Watch @pmarca's conversation with @jordanbpeterson, out now 👇 https://t.co/W9L2TCJgs6 |
观看 @pmarca与@jordanbpeterson的对话,现在👇https://t.co/w9l2tcjgs6 |
2025-01-17 06:59:24 |
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Archetype (@archetypevc) |
RT @OpacityNetwork: massive congrats to the cracked team at @earnos_io on a banger round and product that will change the advertising game… |
RT @Opacitionnetwork:非常恭喜@earnos_io的破解团队在爆炸弹和产品上会改变广告游戏… |
2025-01-17 03:10:44 |
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Geoff Hamilton (@gham1lt0n) |
RT @0xfoobar: Clusters is going to be underpinning far more AI agent infrastructure than you think 👀 |
RT @0xfoobar:群集的基础要比您想象的要多得多。 |
2025-01-17 07:34:35 |
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Framework Ventures (@hiFramework) |
RT @pythianism: With Tier 1 exchanges raising the bar for token listings, VC-backed tokens will stay private longer, seeking to build out f… |
RT @Pythianism:随着层1的交流提高标记列表的标准,VC支持的代币将长期保持私密性,以寻求建立F… |
2025-01-17 04:18:51 |
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Kathryn Haun (@katie_haun) |
RT @brxckinridge: My last project at Coinbase in 2020 was this exact product, but using Compound / Aave. It never launched in the US. A… |
RT @brxckinridge:我在2020年在Coinbase的最后一个项目是该确切产品,但使用化合物 / AAVE。 它从未在美国推出。 一个… |
2025-01-17 01:47:32 |
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Framework Ventures (@hiFramework) |
RT @segfaultdoctor: Jito Labs is an American company |
RT @SegfaultDoctor:Jito Labs是一家美国公司 |
2025-01-17 01:45:32 |
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Haseeb >|< (@hosseeb) |
What happens when “risk-free” yield isn’t risk-free? This week, we’re joined by @leptokurtic_ to unpack how Usual’s sudden rule change blindsided users, kicking off chaos over the weekend. We then dive into @ethena_labs and its plans for world domination. If you don’t… https://t.co/RmYzYzR5vF https://t.co/zd3NuxlHla |
当“无风险”收益率不是无风险的时候会发生什么? 本周,@leptokurtic_加入了我们的行列,以解开通常突然的规则改变盲目的用户,并在周末开始混乱。然后,我们深入研究@ethena_labs及其世界统治计划。 如果您不…… |
2025-01-17 01:23:31 |
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Framework Ventures (@hiFramework) |
1/ We just led a $2.75M round in Hyve (@Hyve_Labs), a crypto game launcher for simplified cross-platform player experiences and onboarding. @TheBlock__ 's @MManoylov covered the news - full article & short 🧵 below 👇👇👇 https://t.co/cxTyWVTHPz https://t.co/na67Xosso6 |
1/我们只是在Hyve(@hyve_labs)的275万美元回合中领先,这是一种加密游戏启动器,用于简化的跨平台玩家体验和入职。 @TheBlock__的@mmanoylov报道了新闻 - 全文&https://t.co/cxtywvthpz https://t.co/na67xosso6 |
2025-01-17 01:17:15 |
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Variant (@variantfund) |
RT @jessewldn: 5 years in the making. For anyone curious about @phantom’s origin story/journey/where they’re headed @bchillman dished it… |
RT @jessewldn:制作5年。 对于任何对 @phantom的起源故事/旅程/他们带头@bchillman待命的人的人来说, |
2025-01-17 12:26:10 |
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CoinFund (@coinfund_io) |
DePIN Alpha brought out some of the brightest NYC builders 🚗 Thank you to co-hosts @bobby_beniers and @DIMO_Network for such a great event! https://t.co/GErCu662oM |
Depin Alpha带出了一些最聪明的纽约市建筑商🚗 感谢联合主持人@Bobby_Beniers和@dimo_network如此出色的活动!https://t.co/gercu662om |
2025-01-17 04:12:22 |
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Variant (@variantfund) |
RT @jessewldn: CeDeFi 🤝 |
RT @jessewldn:Cedefi🤝 |
2025-01-17 01:46:26 |
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rodney() (@0xRodney) |
RT @USDT0_to: @berachain Your USDT, anywhere. Soon on @berachain. |
RT @ USDT0_TO:@Beracle您的Ust,AnyWherere。 很快来自@Berachan。 |
2025-01-17 00:59:33 |
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Pantera Capital (@PanteraCapital) |
How might crypto reach mainstream adoption? Our General Partner @FranklinBi explores how the industry could grow from: 💰 $3T ➡️ $1,000T in onchain assets 👩💻 100,000 ➡️ 10M onchain developers 🌍 80M ➡️ 8B onchain users Read his piece here: https://t.co/zhuWYOoTDQ |
加密如何达到主流采用? 我们的普通合伙人@franklinbi探讨了该行业如何发展: 💰$ 3T $ 1,000 $ 1,000T ONCHAIN资产 👩💻100,000➡️10mOnChain开发人员 🌍80m➡️8B OnChain用户 在这里阅读他的作品:https://t.co/zhuwyootdq |
2025-01-17 00:37:24 |
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Travis Kling (@Travis_Kling) |
Want to make your head spin? After this WHOLE journey... You can buy the same amount of BTC per XRP today as you could in May 2021, Dec 2020, Oct 2019, Dec 2017, Mar 2017, Dec 2014, Nov 2013. https://t.co/KEm7uyn0q5 |
想让你的头旋转吗?在整个旅程之后... 您今天可以购买与2021年5月,2020年12月,2019年10月,2017年12月,2017年12月,2017年3月,2014年12月,2014年12月,2014年11月,2013年11月。https://t.co/KEM7UYN0Q5,您可以购买相同数量的BTC。 |
2025-01-17 11:07:13 |
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Travis Kling (@Travis_Kling) |
You feel that, right? You feel what’s happening? https://t.co/EZp4o6Onlm |
你觉得,对吗?你觉得发生了什么事?https://t.co/ezp4o6onlm |
2025-01-17 08:38:14 |
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Hack VC (@hack_vc) |
This is our 2024 wrapped. 2024 was a big year for Hack VC. Our mission is to back hackers at the earliest stages that are building the future of the internet. In this recap, we highlight some of the bets we made in that pursuit, and the work we’ve done to cultivate a community… https://t.co/qozLvaArev |
这是我们的2024年包装。 2024年对于Hack VC来说是重要的一年。我们的任务是在建立互联网未来的最早阶段后退黑客。在此回顾中,我们重点介绍了我们在这种追求中进行的一些下注,以及我们为培养社区所做的工作……https://t.co/qozlvaarev |
2025-01-17 05:58:27 |
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Hack VC (@hack_vc) |
Great announcement from our portfolio company @1MoneyNetwork that just emerged from stealth to build the world’s first stablecoin-focused L1! Unlike existing blockchains juggling multiple use cases, 1Money is focused on stablecoin payments—meaning faster, cheaper, and more… https://t.co/Zb5PPjNxvi https://t.co/EFOWB5vPGK |
我们的投资组合公司 @1Moneynetwork的伟大宣布刚刚从隐身出现,以建立世界上第一个以Stablecoin为重点的L1! 与现有的区块链杂耍多种用例不同,1 -Money专注于稳定付款 - 更快,更便宜,更便宜等等……https://t.co/zb5ppjnxvi https://t.co/t.co/efowb5vpgk |
2025-01-17 01:52:42 |
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Framework Ventures (@hiFramework) |
RT @pythianism: One alternative to crime cycle theorem is that, if the market structure bill passes, which it prob will, there will be mand… |
RT @Pythianism:犯罪周期定理的一种替代方法是,如果市场结构法案通过,则可能会命令…… |
2025-01-17 01:45:27 |
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Mason Nystrom (@masonnystrom) |
Pantera is planning on hosting some small stablecoin and payments-focused events (e.g. dinners) in the coming months in SF and NYC. Spots are limited, but if you are interested please sign up! |
Pantera计划在未来几个月内在SF和NYC举办一些小型Stablecoin和以付款为重点的活动(例如晚餐)。 景点有限,但是如果您有兴趣,请注册! |
2025-01-17 08:40:48 |
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Spencer Noon 🕛 (@spencernoon) |
RT @ournetwork__: JUST IN: Bridges 🌉 | OurNetwork #304 ⚛️ @IBCProtocol | @merkle_1 🔗 @AcrossProtocol | @IrishLatte_19 🦎 @lifiprotocol | @a… |
RT @ournetwork__:只是在:桥梁🌉|Ournetwork#304 ⚛️@ibcprotocol |@merkle_1 🔗@AcrossProtocol |@Irishlatte_19 🦎@lifiprotocol |@一个… |
2025-01-17 06:17:54 |
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Ash Egan (@AshAEgan) |
RT @katiewav: last year for IN CONVERSATION WITH, a interview series with artists in/around crypto, i interviewed @RAC @blindpplseeing @o… |
RT @katiewav:去年与Crypto的艺术家的采访系列进行对话,我采访了 @rac @blindpplseeing @o… |
2025-01-17 02:38:33 |
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Tushar Jain (@TusharJain_) |
You can read the proposal in full on the SIMD repo on Github or on this Google Doc: https://t.co/BnLoACve32 We will have a podcast episode dropping soon to dive deep into this proposal. We appreciate the community's consideration of our proposal. |
您可以在GitHub上的SIMD回购或此Google文档上完整阅读该提案:https://t.co/bnloacve32 我们将很快就会有一个播客剧集,以深入研究此提案。 我们感谢社区对我们的建议的考虑。 |
2025-01-17 01:23:07 |
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Digital Asset Capital Management (@DigiAssetFund) |
RT @richwgalvin: Great to sit down with @RaoulGMI again at such an interesting time in crypto. We spoke a lot about DACM's focus on the (… |
RT @richwgalvin:在Crypto的一个有趣时期再次与@raoulgmi坐下。 我们谈到了DACM的关注(… |
2025-01-17 12:16:36 |
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Evan Feng (@EvanTheFeng) |
Is this you? If so check out our short explainer video below, and stay tuned to our channels for more related content soon! https://t.co/p87sbOe4Vc https://t.co/lsaesTomwi |
这是你吗?如果是这样,请在下面查看我们简短的解释器视频,并请尽快关注我们的频道以获取更多相关内容!https://t.co/p87sboe4vc https://t.co/lsaestomwi |
2025-01-17 06:33:18 |
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USV (@usv) |
RT @bethanymarz: Registration is now open for the Winter AI Learning Cohort at Decoded Futures! This program, through @TechNYC, targets NY… |
RT @Bethanymarz:现在为Desdoded Futures的冬季AI学习队列开放注册! 该程序通过@TechNYC针对纽约… |
2025-01-17 04:42:02 |
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carra.eth (@carrawu) |
Best posture in the game, average height 6’3”… bullish https://t.co/VkzzXkAbgU |
游戏中最好的姿势,平均身高6英尺3英寸…看涨https://t.co/vkzzxkabgu |
2025-01-17 02:45:41 |
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carra.eth (@carrawu) |
RT @DjSterlingC: you only need one reason to bet on @merit_systems and it’s below https://t.co/IvybfgJ1xX |
RT @djsterlingc:您只需要一个理由来押注@Merit_Systems,下面是https://t.co/ivybfgj1xx |
2025-01-17 02:44:52 |
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Jake Brukhman 🚀 deAI Summer 2025 (@jbrukh) |
RT @etainos: In our version of the future, it’s a small step toward the hundreds of billions of proofs on the horizon needed to meet the sc… |
RT @Etainos:在我们未来的版本中,这是朝着符合SC所需的数千亿个证据的一小步… |
2025-01-17 01:56:33 |
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Tom Schmidt >|< (@tomhschmidt) |
This EP has it all! * Bond nerding out * Hot takes from the one and only @leptokurtic_ of @leptokurtic_ * DeFi old heads reminiscing over simpler times https://t.co/jdWWOBNqOW |
此EP拥有一切! *债券nerding * hot取自@leptokurtic_的唯一@leptokurtic_ *在简单的时间https://t.co/jdwwwwobnqow时,还要回想起旧的头。 |
2025-01-17 01:11:17 |
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Delphi Digital (@Delphi_Digital) |
- Where Will Capital Flow in the SUI Ecosystem? - Where Next for BTC? - Berachain & Boyco - DeFAI: Setting the Stage for Crypto's Newest Narrative Coming up: P.... & A....... RT & Reply with your guess for a chance to win a free Pro sub. |
- SUI生态系统中的资本将在哪里? - BTC的下一步? -Berachain&博伊科 - defai:为加密的最新叙述奠定了基础 来临:P ....&一个....... rt&回答您的猜测,有机会赢得免费专业款项。 |
2025-01-17 01:00:40 |
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Jake Brukhman 🚀 deAI Summer 2025 (@jbrukh) |
This is the new definition of AGI. https://t.co/6p1mYDI1fw |
这是AGI的新定义。https://t.co/6p1mydi1fw |
2025-01-17 11:25:11 |
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Travis Kling (@Travis_Kling) |
FYI, that scale is deceptive. That's a ~350% pump against BTC since the election. Looks small but it's huge. Pre-election, you were down a lot in XRP vs BTC on nearly any timeframe. |
仅供参考,该规模具有欺骗性。自选举以来,这是对BTC的350%的泵。看起来很小,但很大。选举前,几乎在任何时间范围内,您在XRP与BTC中都很失望。 |
2025-01-17 11:14:31 |
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Jake Brukhman 🚀 deAI Summer 2025 (@jbrukh) |
Probably nothing. They’ve been saying bitcoin will go up for years. https://t.co/HGqH8WYXZh |
可能没有。他们一直在说比特币会上升多年。https://t.co/hgqh8wyxzh |
2025-01-17 10:43:31 |
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Kyle Reidhead | Milk Road (@KyleReidhead) |
The DeFi mullet is becoming a reality Blockchain in the back, Coinbase in the front Coinbase is going to be where most people interact onchain Next, we just need $COIN onchain https://t.co/au1ndBLwDA |
Defi Mullet正在成为现实 背面的区块链,前面的共插基 Coinbase将是大多数人互动的地方 接下来,我们只需要$ coin onChain https://t.co/au1ndblwda |
2025-01-17 09:03:14 |
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Spencer Noon 🕛 (@spencernoon) |
A quick look at Bridges… 📈 @IBCProtocol exceeds $2.5B in cross-chain transfers over 30 days, has 115 connected chains with 1.5M monthly active addresses. 📈 @AcrossProtocol all-time volume hit $17B after a strong Q4. 📈 @lifiprotocol also crossed $17B in all-time volume. |
快速查看桥梁... 📈@IBCProtocol超过$ 2.5B的跨链转移,在30天内,有115个连接的连接链,每月有150万个活动地址。 📈@AcrossProtocol在强劲的Q4之后,历史上的数量达到了17B美元。 📈@lifiprotocol还跨越了$ 17B的历史销量。 📈…https://t.co/bzymxynvxz |
2025-01-17 09:01:00 |
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Mason Nystrom (@masonnystrom) |
翻译失败 |
2025-01-17 08:56:36 |
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Mason Nystrom (@masonnystrom) |
Exchanges, everywhere, all at once https://t.co/4iMfQc7mC7 |
到处交流,一次https://t.co/4imfqc7mc7 |
2025-01-17 08:56:36 |
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R🐮 (@Ren_gmi) |
$26.7B of 24-hour volume was traded on XRP—outpacing ETH. Seeing higher-than-average engagement from Coinbase at 13% of spot volume, with XRP trading over 50% more than BTC for the day. #XRPArmy https://t.co/8w6Sd4b5CQ |
在XRP上交易了26.7b $ 26.7b的24小时数量。 看到Coinbase的参与度高于现货量的13%,XRP的交易比BTC高出50%以上。 #xrparmy https://t.co/8w6sd4b5cq |
2025-01-17 07:12:45 |
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Spencer Noon 🕛 (@spencernoon) |
Catching up post-holiday, @ournetwork__ dropped a special Thursday edition of their weekly newsletter on Bridges. Open for coverage on @IBCProtocol, @AcrossProtocol, @lifiprotocol, @JumperExchange & @squidrouter. Get the alpha ⤵️https://t.co/pIHAvZqgja |
@ournetwork赶上了节后, @ournetwork __在桥梁上放了一个特别的周四新闻通讯。 打开@ibcprotocol,@acrossprotocol,@lifiprotocol,@jumperexchange&@SquidRouter。 获取alpha⤵️Https://t.co/pihavzqgja |
2025-01-17 07:00:39 |
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CoinFund (@coinfund_io) |
Restaking is an important innovation in crypto – and @ether_fi is dominating the game Want to get up to speed on how restaking works? Here’s @EvanTheFeng to break it down https://t.co/nWwcs3M2xU |
重新制作是加密货币的重要创新 - @Ether_FI正在主导游戏 是否想加快重新工作的工作方式? 这是@evanthefeng将其分解为https://t.co/nwwcs3m2xu |
2025-01-17 06:28:51 |
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Hack VC (@hack_vc) |
Disclosures & full article here: https://t.co/c9IofD9wKc |
披露&全文此处:https://t.co/c9iofd9wkc |
2025-01-17 05:58:36 |
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Hack VC (@hack_vc) |
Looking ahead to 2025, it’s hard not to be excited. Prices are booming, cutting-edge protocols are launching, and the governments of the free world have never been so supportive of our industry. But our plans are unchanged: do research and meet founders at the frontier of… https://t.co/mUcbVzQIAk |
展望2025年,很难不兴奋。价格蓬勃发展,尖端的协议正在推出,自由世界的政府从未如此支持我们的行业。但是我们的计划没有变化:在…https://t.co/mucbvzqiak的边界进行研究和见面的创始人。 |
2025-01-17 05:58:35 |
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Hack VC (@hack_vc) |
We continue to grow our team opportunistically and have job postings for the following positions: 1. Senior Research Partner 2. Investment Analyst 3. Platform & Marketing Lead If you know of exceptional candidates that live and breathe crypto and have strong networks in the… https://t.co/qxdMiC4fIk |
我们继续以机会性地发展我们的团队,并为以下职位提供职位发布: 1。高级研究合作伙伴 2。投资分析师 3。平台&营销负责人 如果您知道生活和呼吸加密的出色候选人,并且在…https://t.co/qxdmic4fik中拥有强大的网络 |
2025-01-17 05:58:35 |
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Hack VC (@hack_vc) |
We also expanded the team from 19 to 27 last year, bringing in several key hires. @Alex__Botte, who spent eight years in quant investment management and was most recently at a liquid token fund, joined the firm as a Partner and Global Head of Investor Relations. @ShaneBarratt, a… https://t.co/lFoIGUnbAl |
我们还将球队从19年扩大到27,从而带来了几名关键员工。@Alex__Botte在Quant Investment Management上度过了八年,并且最近在液体代币基金中担任公司,他加入了该公司的合作伙伴和全球投资者关系负责人。@shanebarratt,A…https://t.co/lfoigunbal |
2025-01-17 05:58:34 |
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Hack VC (@hack_vc) |
Growing Our Firm In early February we announced the close of our $150M venture fund. We raised this fund opportunistically, in a bear market, as a natural extension of our initial $200M seed fund. Collectively, this fund gave Hack VC $350M in aggregate commitments across the… https://t.co/4RnTJimAVd |
发展我们的公司 在2月初,我们宣布了1.5亿美元的风险投资基金。我们以熊市的方式筹集了这项基金,作为我们最初耗资2亿美元种子基金的自然扩展。总的来说,该基金在…https://t.co/4rntjimavd上给了3.5亿美元的总计承诺。 |
2025-01-17 05:58:34 |
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Hack VC (@hack_vc) |
Our content ranges from technical deep-dives to written investment theses to founder interviews. Check it out here: https://t.co/JHGZWuAbTf |
我们的内容范围从技术深入研究到书面投资论文,再到创始人访谈。在此处查看:https://t.co/jhgzwuabtf |
2025-01-17 05:58:33 |
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Hack VC (@hack_vc) |
Potential Solutions to Crypto’s Vesting Problem: High valuation, low initial circulating supply tokens in the current market raise concerns about sustainable returns for public investors due to potential selling pressure from token unlocks. To address this, Hack VC Partner… https://t.co/v5aKiHAO6o |
加密货币归属问题的潜在解决方案:高估,低初始循环供应令牌在当前市场中引起了人们对公共投资者可持续收益的担忧,这是由于代币解锁的潜在销售压力。为了解决这个问题,Hack VC合作伙伴…https://t.co/v5akihao6o |
2025-01-17 05:58:33 |
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Hack VC (@hack_vc) |
AI x Crypto - Promises and Realities: AI is one of the hottest and most promising categories in crypto markets recently. Decentralized AI training, GPU DePINs, uncensored AI models... are these breakthroughs or just buzzwords? In this research article, Hack VC Managing Partner… https://t.co/9Vl6iDXrf6 |
AI X Crypto-承诺和现实:AI是加密货币市场中最热门,最有希望的类别之一。分散的人工智能培训,GPU depins,未经审查的AI模型...这些突破还是流行语?在这篇研究文章中,黑客VC执行合作伙伴…https://t.co/9vl6idxrf6 |
2025-01-17 05:58:32 |
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Hack VC (@hack_vc) |
Content & Research In 2024 we: ✍️Published 8 research articles 📃Published 6 investment theses 🧑💻Released 1 open-source code library 🎤Appeared on 6 podcasts Some of our most popular content from the year included: @Blockworks_ Podcast | ETH's Modular Bet Will Work: @alpackaP… https://t.co/YMTPsd8rfv |
内容&研究 在2024年我们: ✍️发布8篇研究文章 📃发布了6个投资论文 🧑💻释放1个开源代码库 🎤在6个播客上表现出来 我们今年最受欢迎的内容包括: @BlockWorks_播客|ETH的模块化下注将有效: @alpackap…https://t.co/ymtpsd8rfv |
2025-01-17 05:58:31 |
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Hack VC (@hack_vc) |
Our founders' dinner during Devcon was very successful (despite the heavy rain!). We had ~60 people come, including LPs and founding team members from @0G_labs, @PINAI_IO, @satlayer, @milky_way_zone, @alt_layer, @MezoNetwork, @SemanticLayer, @ethsign, and @ionet (all Hack VC… https://t.co/UthtW24mdf https://t.co/kST1PQGNQj |
我们在DevCon期间的创始人晚餐非常成功(尽管大雨!)。我们有大约60人来,包括 @0G_LABS,@pinai_io,@satlayer,@milky_way_zone, @alt_layer,@mezonetwork,@semanticlayer,@semanticlayer,@ethsign和@Ionet(所有hack vc vc vc…http vc:// http vc:// http vc://t.co/uthtw24mdf https://t.co/kst1pqgnqj |
2025-01-17 05:58:31 |
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Hack VC (@hack_vc) |
Hack VC Research Partner @chrismaree_ moderated the Unlocking Cross-Chain Communication and Liquidity panel with @hyperlane and @AcrossProtocol (both Hack VC portfolio companies) at our annual summit where we hosted over 100 LPs and portfolio founders. https://t.co/hsLaK2nnS3 |
Hack VC研究合作伙伴@Chrismaree_在我们的年度峰会上,与@Hyperlane和 @acrossprotocol(都是黑客VC投资组合公司)主持了解锁的交叉沟通和流动性面板,我们在我们的年度峰会上主持了100多个LPS和投资组合创始人。https://t.co/hslak2nns3 |
2025-01-17 05:58:30 |
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Hack VC (@hack_vc) |
Events Around the World Check out pictures from some of our top events that we hosted in 2024. We hope to see you at one of our events in 2025! @SmokeyTheBera, Co-Founder of @berachain (Hack VC led their Series A), presented at @hack_summit Hong Kong last April where we hosted… https://t.co/zuS3iSj9UO https://t.co/w5FokRnUA8 |
世界各地的活动 查看我们2024年举办的一些顶级活动的图片。我们希望在2025年的一场活动中见到您! @smokeythebera,@berachain的联合创始人(Hack VC领导了他们的系列A),于去年4月在@hack_summit Hong Kong介绍了……https://t.co/zus3isj9uo |
2025-01-17 05:58:29 |
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Hack VC (@hack_vc) |
Looking ahead, we believe 2025 will be remembered as the year the crypto industry truly turned a corner—a year when foundational investments, thoughtful regulation, and technological convergence began shaping the future of a decentralized, interconnected global economy. An… https://t.co/TFrVI7eUcU |
展望未来,我们相信2025年将被人们铭记为加密货币行业真正转弯的一年,这一年是基本投资,周到的监管和技术融合开始塑造分散,相互联系的全球经济的未来。一个…https://t.co/tfrvi7eucu |
2025-01-17 05:58:28 |
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Hack VC (@hack_vc) |
Many of our investments launched tokens in 2024, including: @movementlabsxyz ($7.9B): We co-led the Series A. Movement is creating a network of modular chains based on the Move programming language. The goal is to increase the security, performance, and user experience in web3.… https://t.co/Ww0UZhPbuK |
我们的许多投资在2024年推出了代币,其中包括: @MovementLabSxyz($ 7.9B):我们共同主持了系列A。运动正在根据移动编程语言创建模块化链网络。目的是提高Web3中的安全性,性能和用户体验。…https://t.co/ww0uzhpbuk |
2025-01-17 05:58:28 |
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Hack VC (@hack_vc) |
Investing at the Cutting Edge We invested, a lot. We were the second most active lead crypto VC for the year. Despite large-cap markets going up meaningfully last year, dollars going into early-stage financings were still anemic in 2024 (80% off their highs in Q1 2022), and so we… https://t.co/TCGz4ywRSZ https://t.co/i46FCG29aM |
在尖端投资 我们投资了很多。我们是今年第二个活跃的铅加密vc。尽管去年大型市场有意义地上升了,但进入早期融资的美元在2024年仍然是贫血(他们在第二季度2022年的高点),因此我们…https://t.co/tcgz4ywrsz https https:///T.co/I46FCG29AM |
2025-01-17 05:58:27 |
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Dialectic (@Dialectic_Group) |
We're proud to be part of @stable_summit and the important work they are doing for the ecosystem. Always happy to participate at their events, nerd out and share alpha 🤝 https://t.co/UCPTlCEpnq |
我们很荣幸能成为@stable_summit的一部分以及他们为生态系统所做的重要工作。 总是乐于参加他们的活动,书呆子出去并分享alpha https://t.co/ucptlcepnq |
2025-01-17 05:45:06 |
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Jake Brukhman 🚀 deAI Summer 2025 (@jbrukh) |
Hey CT, who do you consider an iconic web3 tech lead or galactic-level protocol engineer? |
嘿,CT,您认为谁是标志性的Web3技术领导者或银河级协议工程师? |
2025-01-17 04:02:29 |
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Dialectic (@Dialectic_Group) |
If you’re Dev, time to build (on) the future! https://t.co/b2Mh9ovSu4 |
如果您是开发人员,则该建立()未来!https://t.co/b2mh9ovsu4 |
2025-01-17 01:45:01 |
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Evan Feng (@EvanTheFeng) |
If XRP's next 7d performance mirrors the last 7d and ETH also does the same relative to itself, XRP will flip ETH to become #2 in FDV (per Coingecko ranking) https://t.co/0F6MDJ4mwZ |
如果XRP的下一个7D性能反映了最后7D,而ETH也相对于自身而言也相同,则XRP将翻转ETH将成为FDV(每个Coingecko排名)https://t.co/0f6mdj4mwz中的#2 |
2025-01-17 01:39:21 |
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Geoff Hamilton (@gham1lt0n) |
My TG account got banned recently. Pls hmu here instead! |
我的TG帐户最近被禁止。请改用HMU! |
2025-01-17 01:24:57 |
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Framework Ventures (@hiFramework) |
4 / Welcome to the Framework Tent! https://t.co/0F6JUdC3CD |
4 /欢迎来到框架帐篷!https://t.co/0f6judc3cd |
2025-01-17 01:17:17 |
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Framework Ventures (@hiFramework) |
4/ Made up of a team of seasoned founders and experts from Zynga, Sciplay, King, Activision Blizzard, Wallet Connect, Tesla, Microsoft, and others, Hyve Labs is developing a gaming rollup built using the decentralized data availability service EigenDA. |
4/由Zynga,Sciplay,King,Activision Blizzard,Wallet Connect,Tesla,Microsoft等人组成的经验丰富的创始人和专家组成,Hyve Labs正在开发使用分散的数据可用性服务Eigenda构建的游戏汇总。 |
2025-01-17 01:17:16 |
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Framework Ventures (@hiFramework) |
3/ Hyve functions as a game launcher with a simplified cross-platform UX, letting users access games regardless of chain. Acting as a routing layer, Hyve distributes games to various platforms and integrates them across social apps, including Telegram, Discord, Farcaster + more. |
3/ Hyve用作具有简化的跨平台UX的游戏启动器,使用户无论使用什么链条,都可以访问游戏。Hyve充当路由层,将游戏分配到各种平台,并在包括电报,Discord,Farcaster +更多社交应用程序中集成它们。 |
2025-01-17 01:17:16 |
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Framework Ventures (@hiFramework) |
2 / The crypto gaming market is currently highly fragmented, with games struggling to overcome challenges in onboarding, scalability, accessibility, and discoverability. We think Hyve addresses these barriers, creating a unified social gaming experience. |
2 / Crypto Gaming市场目前的分散性高度分散,游戏努力克服入职,可伸缩性,可访问性和可发现性方面的挑战。 我们认为Hyve解决了这些障碍,创造了统一的社交游戏体验。 |
2025-01-17 01:17:16 |
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Delphi Digital (@Delphi_Digital) |
Check out the Alpha Feed today for actionable insights with zero noise: |
今天查看Alpha Feed,以获取零噪声的可操作见解: |
2025-01-17 01:00:43 |
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Delphi Digital (@Delphi_Digital) |
You can spend hours scrolling CT, dissecting docs & data, and grow increasingly confused. Or spend 10 minutes on the Alpha Feed and let the top researchers do the heavy lifting. A few recent favorites 👇🏻 https://t.co/hrPHxI2i4U |
您可以花几个小时滚动CT,解剖文档&数据,并变得越来越困惑。 或在Alpha Feed上花10分钟,让顶级研究人员进行繁重的工作。 最近的一些最爱👇🏻https://t.co/hrphxi2i4u |
2025-01-17 01:00:37 |
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Bitcoin Self-Custody (@OwnYourBitcoin) |
Boost your #Bitcoin security with our Multisig feature! Add an extra layer of protection by requiring multiple approvals for transactions—keeping your assets safe and fully under your control. #SelfCustody https://t.co/ekw9R65jPK |
使用我们的Multisig功能提高您的#BitCoin安全性!通过需要多次批准进行交易来增加额外的保护层,即确保您的资产安全,并在您的控制之下。#selfcustody https://t.co/ekw9r65jpk |
2025-01-17 01:00:01 |
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Austin Barack (@AustinBarack) |
Thrilled to share that @RelayerCapital has invested in @GTE_XYZ! Trading onchain is still nowhere close to where it needs to be. Execution takes too long, users experience too much slippage, and the overall user experience is not good enough. GTE is changing that by… https://t.co/8Huc8rLht1 https://t.co/iqmqbxPtzl |
很高兴分享@relayercapital投资@gte_xyz! 贸易OnChain仍然无处可去的地方。执行时间太长,用户会经历太多的打滑,并且整体用户体验还不够好。 |
2025-01-17 00:39:47 |
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Tushar Jain (@TusharJain_) |
USDC strategic reserve here we come! 😂 https://t.co/E6IeRvhBcl |
USDC战略储备我们来了!😂https://t.co/e6iervhbcl |
2025-01-17 00:31:25 |
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Travis Kling (@Travis_Kling) |
Say what you want about the compellingness of the responses here, there’s def plenty to at least chew on. I appreciate folks taking the time 🙏 https://t.co/atZAvks4vk |
说出您想要的关于这里反应的引人注目的内容,至少有足够的咀嚼。 我感谢人们花时间🙏https://t.co/atzavks4vk |
2025-01-17 00:17:07 |
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